Today we will learn how to add Flag Counter on your website. This tutorial will cater to blogger platform but it is the same for WordPress or any self hosted website. Now the question arises why to Install a Flag Counter because we can manually check all the historic data from our own respective Dashboard, for Ex: blogger shows it in our dashboard. Let's just say it looks nice on the homepage and I am very lazy to check the stats or it might look like I'm bragging about my blog whatever one might think. First of all go the the Flag Counter website and customise the layout of your Flag counter widget according to your need. Then you will find a yellow button on the right side saying Get your Flag counter and Et Voila! You now need to copy the code for website. Go to your blogger dashboard now, Click on Layout ----> add a new Gadget ----> choose HTML/JavaScript and paste the code copied from Flag Counter. Click save and refresh your...