So, I want to write this tutorial because I want to help people those who want the conversion nice and easy way, but I can also relate this in future if I forget about it. So I can track this tutorial and convert my documents whenever required. Blogging is just a thing for me by which I can store all the tutorials for myself and for my friends who ask for it, so I need not require to explain every time whoever asks, i’ll just share the tutorial. Today, my bother came from office and asked for help regarding conversion of images into PDF, I mean I did this long time ago but did not recall how I am supposed to do now, so I bumped into this method which I’m going to share right now! Just took 3-5 mins to convert everything. There’s nothing need to worry, sit back and relax. I researched and found about an online conversion tool, and tried with sample images from my desktop and it worked amazingly. So for documents, it required to look clean and it was al