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Shortwave: an open source app to listen radio 📻

Today we will learn how to install and use shortwave app on your computer. P.S it requires an active internet connection to stream.

What's shortwave?

Shortwave is an open source gnome based application, specifically meant to stream radio. This app is only available for Linux users. You can use vlc, rhythm box but you won't have fun using them because they are all in one apps like for playing music and movies and this one just does one thing that is to stream radio.

But bruh why stream radio instead of Spotify?

Why? Because I like it that way, I don't like the machines, algorithms determine my musical tastes or manipulate me into liking anything.

Also it's free and doesn't require an account to just listen to music unlike Spotify.

Call me old school but you just can't beat radio as you can get information and listen to music for free, entertainment.

You can also stream music through your Chromecast or any casting device as it has casting feature built-in the application.

You can add any local radio via link or using the plus icon button on the top left.

You can record any song you like, it has that option in the radio player itself around play and pause if you look closer. 😜
Files are saved in your music folder.

How to install?

You need to have flatpak enabled in your operating systems. Learn how to enable third party repositories or just use linuxmint as it as them enabled by default.

If you a terminal guy just copy paste this code and you are ready to go

flatpak install flathub de.haeckerfelix.Shortwave


You can use the app Store to install with just one click by searching shortwave for GUI users.

You can use 
To add your favourite radio stations if you could not find it in shortwave, I tried radio mirchi just for this tutorial it worked just fine!

These tutorials are mere ways to keep myself ready when I'm stuck in a situation for which I might not find reliable guide so I can come back again and review as I've personally tried and tested these methods.

No AI or chatgpt was used in the production of this tutorial. Everything was first tested thoroughly and then written to avoid any issues.

Good day.


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