I own a Google nexus 5 since October 2014 and am a proud user. Ever since I bought it within couple of weeks I rooted that beast and installed a cyanogenMod which I was dying to try. As I was fed up using a Xperia x10 mini those days. And with nexus devices it becomes very easy to just root, install twrp recovery and custom rom. I mean you have got apps that can do stuff right for you without a PC.
Why I Don't root and install custom recovery?
Every time whenever I come back to Stock ROM, I always have
root access and that is a must as I have my life working on rooted apps like
xposed installer, wifiKill, Es file explorer and many more. With root access
and stock ROMs stability it’s a comfort zone for me. But whenever if get a
notification for a security update and install, it will not apply the update.
Why? Because you have now modified the boot img of the phone and you can only
apply an update when you have stock recovery with no root access.
Why I don't install custom ROMs?
I know every tech geek loves flashing ROMs every now and
then whenever a new custom ROM releases or builds for it, but you do have to
backup all your stuff on your cloud or PC to play everything safe. Particularly
I don’t care about my data storage, I just wipe the whole storage without any
consent as i don’t own any type of data that is necessary. All the apps can be
downloaded again from the play store but takes time over here from my 1MBPS
network connection. These are just minor problems of what I’m facing, mainly
what bugs is that uneven/random reboot that takes place whenever you heavy
multi-task or something goes wrong. Custom ROMs are highly unstable and you
should only try when you don’t have any option or you just get bored from the
stock ROM which has limited customizations using for long time.
When Google started releasing security updates it just
bugged me about those updates every month and I used to be proud like I’m only
few percentage of those who are getting updates while other OEM aren’t even
getting Marshmallow support at times. I mean now there are 4% people out of the
total users.
I know this is probably this was year of the nexus 5 for
android upgrades and will not receive any of those from now onwards. Maybe I
think that will be the time to set go all those custom ROM things again but for
now I am enjoying the last official days from Google updates for the Google
Nexus 5.
Also read- share anytype of files across devices
I still love my time with the nexus 5 as it gets the job
done and has the latest version of android with the security updates. This
phone lives up to my expectations and does play games and handles pretty good.
Already July images are out yesterday and I am probably thinking of flashing
them as it would wipe the phone and would run the phone like smooth as I
haven’t wiped it since over 7 months I suppose. But I am anything just gonna
wait for OTA updates as I am done goofing off with the phone.
I know everybody is
going to say that bro custom ROM is more stable and does bring more customizations,
but what I have found over time that there is nothing as stable as that of stock ROM. This
blog post wasn’t written to offend someone so calm down. Let me know your thoughts regarding this topic.
Also Read- why i use nexus root toolkit
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